Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day

Harvest Festivals






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Thanksgiving Day


Harvest Festivals

Harvest Festivals from Around the World

    Tuscany Harvest Festival

    In Tuscany they celebrate the Impruneta, Festa del which is their harvest festival. This celebration is primarily for the harvest and is a last chance before winter to indulge in special foods and wines.

    Chicken, pigeons and suckling pigs are roasted on spits, and there are tables with homemade hams and loaves of bread. Other foods include paper-thin anise cookies which are called brigidini and almond toffee, which is boiled in iron cauldrons.

    September is the month of grape picking, one of the merriest and most joyful harvests. The most famous, and oldest, of such events, is the Grape Harvest Festival at Impruneta. The town is a hive of activity for the entire month of September while the four wards, each with their own outdoor working area, start building the allegorical floats.

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