Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day

Harvest Festivals






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Family Network

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Thanksgiving Day

Everything Brunette

Harvest Festivals

Harvest Festivals from Around the World

    Australian Harvest Festival
    Renmark Orange Week Festival

    Although it is winter, crops are still being harvested somewhere around Australia.

    Seeds of citrus fruits were brought on the first fleet. The seasons for the two varieties that are harvested in Australia are the Valencia which is from October to May and the Navel which is from May to October.

    In August or September, the large orange growing area along the Murray River in South Australia holds a festival in Renmark, called the Renmark Orange Week.

    Another festival held in Australia is held in Gayndah Queensland in the month of June each year.

    The Orange Festival Queen rides in a procession of fruit-decorated floats, pipe bands and highland dancers. A carnival with all kinds of games, competitions and fun continues for a week.

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